Nicolas & Leia Girard
Being deeply impacted by the ministry themselves Healing for the Nations, they were trained to lead this ministry and they host events throughout the year. ( This ministry has a strong counseling background and together with a small Italian team and the EU team, they lead weekends and longer intensive retreats on strongholds, renewing the mind, and identity in many different areas of the country. They feel blessed to be living and raising their children in such a beautiful country with a rich history. There they see God’s unfailing love continually changing hearts and transforming minds! Hallelujah! Together with a small team, every season if the year, they go to the streets at night to visit women who are bought and sold into prostitution. They are there to show the unfailing love of Christ and offer a way out to the women forced in prostitution. Most of these young women are immigrants and were sold into the human trafficking ring from Nigeria and Eastern Europe. Their goal is to get these women to safety where they can begin a new life, know the love of Christ, and have a future they can believe in.
Most recently they have efforts on the ground in Lagos, Nigeria where they have founded Maranatha Farms alongside locals to give jobs and a furure to this extremely poor area. In this farm they breed the Nutria or grasscutters and sell them for meat to supply chain restaurants. Our hope is that in time this farm can also offer jobs to vulnerable women in Nigeria. Ministry Site Most Recent Newsletter Newsletter Archive