Fathers and Sons to the Nations

M.J. Cava

God had an only Son and he made him a missionary... David Livingstone

The love between a healthy father and son is one of the most amazing phenomena of human life. The Father sees himself and more in his son and the son wants to be like Dad. There is a bond of affection that runs deep and wide (It works with daughters too). He would brave any danger or enemy to rescue his boy. So, how could a true father send his son to war? How could he send his beloved whom he raised from cradle to manhood to face a killer enemy? There must be a cause worthy of such a risk . . .

As a mission mobilizer, I have often had to recruit, train and send some of the dearest people to the ends of the earth to preach the gospel of the kingdom. It is not necessarily comfortable or safe in many places. I thought it would be somehow easy and my heart would detach as some kind of field general who kept things likeable, but impersonal. But no, my heart stayed with these spiritual sons and daughters, and I found myself going before, following up, and coming alongside, as much as I could. For Where your treasure is there your heart will be also. One of these was also my natural daughter. I felt it.

Before his ascension, Jesus said to his disciples in John 20:21, Peace to you. As the Father has sent Me, I also send you. Hmmm . . . lets think about this. For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son . . . (but why) that whosoever would believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16) So here is the worthy cause for the Father to send his Son..perish or life! So this is the example set by God the Father himself. And then Jesus as the express image of the Father, sent his spiritual sons and said, I am with you always. Just like his Father, who loved him and who sent him and never abandoned him, he did the same.

In times of crisis, history tells us of how fathers sent their sons to war, or went to battle together. It was hard, but we are alive and free because of such fathers and sons. Beloved, the world is in crisis. Powers of darkness are holding captive our brothers and sisters throughout the planet. Jesus preferred his Fathers mission to the self-gain and ease of his own. It cost him everything, but he gained more than everything. He gave his life and was given an inheritance and power forever. He gained eternity with untold millions of sons and daughters who would fill the Fathers house. Should not we be like him? Isnt this a part of the Spirit of Adoption, Son-ship and Fathers heart that we need to get a hold of too? Dont we need to send and support our sons and daughters . . . even go help them? At the World Outreach Center, we are trying to catch the Fathers heart in every way, including, the missions call. Like Minutemen with families, we want to appreciate each other, yet GO.. for the cause is great. We welcome you to come join us and enter the The Fathers Mission. Maybe you can start with a short trip. Who knows what God will do? It is all about true love.

Inspiration : Audio.

Joel & Carol Silberman of Tenderhearted Ministries (at The WOC)

1. Session 1, Part 1
2. Session 1, Part 2
3. Session 2, Part 1
4. Session 2, Part 2
5. Session 3, Part 1
6. Session 3, Part 2
7. Session 3, John Cava's Closing.

Charles Ciepiel's Psalm 119 Project (Click On The Banner To Explore)

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